Beyond the big screens, animations have a huge field to pitch in. It is been deployed across industries where there is a need to showcase either imaginative/futuristic things in a realistic way or to show things that are not always available/easy to display in real time. This way, animations have found an inevitable position in the digital era, opening up huge opportunities for professionals in Animation.
In Media and Entertainment: Can any child deny watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Tom and Jerry, Chotta Bheem or Dora the Explorer? Also, animation movies hit the box office worldwide and earn billions. Animated videos are also used in live shows to gain attention and convey the message effectively.

In Game: Animations in video games is highly challenging than in any other industry, because a video game has to interact.

In Advertisements: Animations eliminate the restrictions posed by live models and help in establishing uniqueness.

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In Marketing: Animations are used in B2B Marketing, E-mail Marketing and Web Marketing, where animated characters easily become the face of brands.

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In Education: Attributes of a learning process like Concentration, Understanding and Remembering are well addressed in animation-based learning modules.

In Training: Most corporate, especially organizations with global presence, are training their employees online. This is mainly because it is cost effective, easy to track and self-paced. Also, most complicated process-oriented trainings are made easy with animations, like mechanical trainings and army trainings.

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In Architecture: Architectural animations show computer-generated building with landscaping, which is generally created during the planning stage of a construction so that it helps the stakeholders and customers to get a view of how the completed project will look.

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In Medicine: Medical animations are common educational tool for medical practitioners and sometimes patients too. These are the most effective way to demonstrate medical simulation (like surgical procedures), emergency care procedures, cellular and molecular animation, pharmaceutical mechanisms, and forensic reconstruction.

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In Mechanical Industry: Mechanical animations show virtual models of products and mechanical designs to help designers in understanding how the final product would work and eliminate any possible drawbacks before executing the design.

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In Forensic: Forensic animations simulate a crime incident or any accident, like collapse of a building, road accident and murder, which act as important tool for investigations. Such animations are generally created with the data sought from witnesses, victims, police officers and forensic experts.

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Explore the wide opportunities in animation, understand your area of passion and tap your best potential.